The Midnight Mountain Marathon is organised by Howling Events Ltd.
- Transfers are available until 28 days before the date of the race. Any later requests will not be accepted & messages ignored.
- No refunds.
- In the unlikely event that the race has to be cancelled your entry will be carried forward to the next running of the cancelled race or we may refund at our discretion.
- A transfer is when you move your place to another runner you know or who would like to run instead of you. This can be done by messaging us and providing the new runners details.
- Transfers at registration will not be allowed and anyone found running another another runner’s name will be banned from future events (both parties!)
- On the day entries are not possible.
When you enter the Midnight Mountain Marathon you the participant agree to the following disclaimer on entry:
- You declare that you are eligible to compete under UK Athletics rules.
- You understand and agree that you participate in the race entirely at your own risk and rely on your own ability in dealing with hazards.
- You must run in a manner which is safe for yourself and all others.
- You agree that none of the organisers, Howling Events Ltd, sponsors, members, or agents shall be liable in any way whatsoever in connection with any loss, damage, injury or death caused or suffered by you as a result of participating in this event.
- You also agree that the management reserves the right to alter or change any event and in the unlikely event of abandonment, your entry fee will not be refunded.
- You must arrive to the start line on time.
- You agree that when arriving on the day of the event you have fully read the online instructions for the event you have entered and will carry all mandatory kit as specified in the racepack.
- You agree to comply with instructions of marshals on the course in regard to race cut offs and understand that if you continue to run beyond such specified cut offs on the course you do so outside of the control of the event and will be provided with no support.
- You acknowledge that the race is held on mountains in potentially challenging behaviour and will be prepared abd responsible for your own safety and have fully considered the risks in taking part in such an event
- You agree not to hold the organisers, marshals, volunteers, sponsors or any associated company or organisation working within the framework of the event responsible for any personal injury, sickness or accident suffered, nor the loss of any property on the course, changing areas or event centre.
- You participate entirely at your own risk and agree not to take part if you are unwell or injured. You understand that the entry fee is non-refundable. You understand that participation is highly individual and as such entries and race numbers are non-transferable.
- Participants must be 18 years or over (unless otherwise stated) on the race date to take part in the event.
- All runners must attend the race brief at the Race HQ and have registered 30 minutes before the start of their race
- Participants grant permission for photographs or films to be taken during the event and Howling Events Ltd reserve the right to use such photographs for publicity or promote future events.
- All data is stored securely and will not be supplied to any third party.
- On race day you must complete personal details including any health issues and medication on the reverse of the race number.
- The race number must be worn at all times, unfolded and visible on the front of shirts for the duration of the race.
- Runners must follow any instructions given by event officials/marshals.
- The time limit to complete the course is displayed on the event page, after this all marshals/drink stations and markers will be withdrawn from the course and you will be withdrawn from the event.
- Any Participant who retires during the event must ring the race day number or inform a marshal that they have done so.
- A sweep of the course will take place after the event and all markers will be taken down.
- Howling Events Ltd reserve the right to alter or amend race information or rules before the event and any changes will be published. Failure to follow event rules may result in disqualification.
- Wearing of devices requiring headphones is not advised
- You must run on the left hand side unless instructed otherwise.
- We reserve the right to move the venue of any race to a different location,
- If a change of event location occurs we will post on the event page website.
- Not litter the route and must use bins provided.
- Keep to the trail/road route and public paths so there is no impact to the environment.
- Give way to members of the public at all times (runners do not have right of way on the courses).
- Conduct themselves in a well behaved manner, unacceptable behaviour including bullying, emotional, psychological, sexist or misogynistic behaviour or physical violence or abuse to any person will not be tolerated. Failure to follow these rules will result in instant disqualification from the event!